? ?????? ??? ????????? ????????? ??????? ?? ??? “????????? ??? ?????????????? ????????? ???? ??????” ????????????? ??? ???????? “MEDIA, POLIS, AGORA: JOURNALISM & COMMUNICATION IN THE DIGITAL ERA”, ???? 27-29 ???????????, 2018, ???? ???????????.
???????? ?? abstract: In the past few years, data journalism is rapidly becoming an integral part of many newsrooms globally (Heravi 2017). Conversely, in Greece evidence from previous research shows that journalists were slow to learn new skills associated with the use of computers, the Web and its applications, to the news making process (Spyridou et al. 2013). The purpose of this article is to present the current state of affairs in data journalism in Greece and to explore the development of data-oriented technologies and practices into the modern newsroom as well as the challenges and barriers that data journalists face when they try to employ these methods into their everyday routine.
??????????? ??? link ??? ????????? https://amiretreat2018.advancedmediainstitute.com